Men, Money, & Healing: The NEW Way To Design Money, Meaning, and Energy Into Everyday Life
Without Having to Spend Years Trying to Heal or Fix Yourself...
I’m not a big fan of saying “I’m healed” these days…
Because at the end of the day?
If I swap out the label on a can of green beans for a "Peaches" label...
When I open it? I still better be ready for green beans.
Cause the Peach label doesn't make a dimples darn bit of difference in the reality of what that can of green beans is actually gonna taste like.
The same thing has been true for me and saying “I’m healed."
Healed is just another label that I’m trying to slap on my thoughts.
Creating yet another condition to meet for my happiness.
Maybe this is an assumption I'm making?...
But I imagine we're always going to have feels that come up.
We be human and all ya know:-)
And God forbid we fall prey to them and then judge the hell out of ourselves because darn it, "I thought I already healed that?!..."
Not so useful.
Instead, in my experience…
It’s being OK with not having to be OK all the time that makes me OK…
To not take all my thoughts & feelings so seriously at that moment.
To intelligently respond instead of emotionally reacting…
And instead, put my focus on who I choose to “be”.
That’s what brings me joy.
And I know that sounds a bit nebulous but if there is enough interest?
I can dive deeper into how choosing who I want to BE impacted my satisfaction and quality of life to this day…
Instead of seeking out all the money, women, or food to fill me up first.
Because that stuff is NEVER enough.
Living an outside in world NEVER filled me up.
I’ve created a space in my morning routine for the seed of mastery to take root and I water it with what’s FUN for me.
And in doing so?
Its roots grew DEEP into my NEW life and business.
This is living an INSIDE out life.
And my happiness…
…my JOY…
…and my life satisfaction all stems from focusing on living from the inside out.
Now, I'd say it hasn't always been "easy"...
...but easy is just another label lol.
It's been rewarding and I've gained a lot of wisdom and joy from planting that seed and raising it over the years.
The more I do it, the more boring it might look to others?
But the more love I have for the process and the more joy I experience.
And that's fun for me…
But it can be fun for anyone.
In your corner,
~ Tony
The Master has no possessions.
The more he does for others,
the happier he is.
The more he gives to others,
the wealthier he is.
Tony, you write: "I’ve created a space in my morning routine for the seed of mastery to take root and I water it with what’s FUN for me."
Care to elaborate what your morning routine look like? I'm genuinely curious. And I'd also love to know if you have any insights as to how you can discover what lights you on fire?