Why It's Time To Walk Away From Client Work in 2024...
How I went from Client Island to Partnership Paradise
Freelancers, Copywriters, Agency Owners, Consultants, Internet Marketers, and even Coaches…
They all have one thing in common.
They’re all charging money for client work.
And that’s how it’s been for the past, I dunno…
…100 plus years.
Now, a client based business does have its upsides.
You get to be the hero when things go right.
You get to keep all the money.
And you get to work from home usually.
But as you likely know, it also has its downsides.
When things don’t go well?
You are NOT the hero.
Payments don’t always get paid on time or at all.
Retainers get cancelled.
Or if you no worky there’s no checky.
And to keep the lights on?
I’ve seen plenty of good people take on problematic clients and their demands that cost them more in the long term…
…than the retainers they paid in the short term.
Then there’s scope creep.
Chasing down client proposals.
Price haggling.
I’ve seen guys who quit their 9-5 and started an online agency…
Only to replace their boss with 10 other bosses! (aka: Clients).
Which forces them to miss date nights with their spouse…
…or their kids soccer practice or even birthday parties.
I haven’t even touched on how many competitors will do it cheaper.
But where I see peeps get hung up the most?
The Time VS Money trap.
Once they do get a client?
Now the juggling really begins.
They’re busy meeting deadlines, demands, and service delivery out the wazoo.
But they still gotta hustle and get some more monthly retainer clients on board to reach their goals.
While still servicing the peeps they’ve just got.
It’s like playing wack~a~mole!
I saw a freelance in a Facebook group the other day, ask:
“$20k a month working 20 hours a week as a freelance copywriter
Who’s figured this out?…”
Answers were fascinating.
Some of them looked more like an algebra equation than an answer.
They all included getting on sales calls, securing retainers, working with 2 client per day, five days a week…
…and adding extra “projects” on the side to get it over $20k a month…
That’s a lot of moving parts and a lot of energy!
This approach is a like an indy car running the Indy 500 without a single pitstop.
It ain’t sustainable!
The Answer Is Landing A Whale of a Client Right?
Well, a freelancer could get just ONE big client…
…but what happens if that client decides to go with a cheaper option standing in line?
Or they say, “Hey thanks, I think we’ve got everything we need at this point…”
Now it’s time to scramble eggs for the next project.
Or what if they demand something more for the project that isn’t within the scope of what was agreed on?
It’s usually “later tater time” unless their demands are complied with…
Here’s what I know…
I don’t deal with any of that in my world because…
Putting together six figure deals is a lot easier than chasing clients…
I say easier because my partners see me as a PAYCHECK not an EXPENSE.
And that’s very much on purpose.
So I don’t have to beg anyone to do business with me…
…kiss their ass…
…or haggle about retainer prices.
I make them a NO brainer offer.
“Don’t pay me a dime until AFTER the results are in…”
In my case, “Don’t pay me a dime until AFTER all the cash is in your bank account…”
I run ONE email campaign every other month.
They last anywhere from 10 to 14 days on average.
And I've gotten paid as much as $42,145 per email (5 emails in total for that particular campaign)
That single campaign I ran to a partners 6800 person buyers list brought in over $521,476 in 18 days.
Yes, only 5 emails did the trick.
I "worked" about 12 to 15 hours a week working with two tappers during that time tapping in sales.
The 5 emails took me about 15 to 20 minutes each.
I didn't have any deadlines, demands, or service delivery to do afterward.
My partner serviced their clients.
No sales calls before or after either.
I just ran a handful of emails to their list and tapped in sales using a free gmail account and a Google doc.
I usually get 30 to 50% of the sales too depending on how I structure the deals.
Now did I get paid for writing emails?
Did I get paid for service delivery?
Then what did I get paid for?
Someone may be thinking:
“That’s all well & good Tony but I don’t write emails…
…I’m a freelancer video editor.
How can I guarantee I’ll get paid and not get screwed over if they aren’t paying me until afterward?”
That’s a good question…
One that makes me question…
Just how many freelancers, consultants, or coaches are curious about how to transition from service provider to deal maker?
So they don’t have to answer to anyone…
…and still walk away with a big pot of gold.
Because darn near any freelancer, copywriter, agency owner, consultant, internet marketer, or even a coach can transition into deal maker.
With a little know how.
And leave behind the headaches of chasing down leads & clients.
Or answering to their every whim.
Notice I used the word transition…
I’m not saying going from client work to deal making is accomplished overnight.
So let’s talk about it…
Wednesday September 25th at 11:00 am Pacific I’m doing my monthly Ask Me Anything…
Normally this is for paid Meaningful Man subscribers but this month is FREE to peeps like you.
If you’re a freelancer, copywriter, agency owner, consultant, internet marketer, or even a coach I’m inviting you to join us and join in the conversation.
Matter of fact, leave any questions you for me down below in the comments.
We’ll dive into them on the call…
Let’s have an open discussion where you can ask me anything on the topic of Deal Making.
And free up from the demands of client work and instead dive deep into the world of PARTNERSHIP.
And discover how to become a PAYCHECK instead of an EXPENSE.
Register below:
In your corner,
~ Tony
Freaking love this post and can't wait to get on that call next Wednesday!
Looking forward to this too Tony. It's pretty easy for us Mojo peeps to get paid for results with the right partner, but I'm intrigued by the potential for a 'video editor' to do the same thing. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how a freelancer could do that when there are so many variables between recording and editing a video and getting a result for the partner.